hey there

If you haven’t figured it out yet I’m Tara and this is my travel blog. If you dont want to do some reading, go ahead and find that “about” button for a quick summary of why we’re here. Otherwise, stick around for some quick facts about yours truly. 
I’ve just finished my second year at San Diego State University and it looks like I’ve only got a year left. One half of my remaining year will actually take place in Rome, Italy at a school called John Cabot University. I picked the school because it’s focus is relevant to my degree in Communication with a minor in Social and Digital Media Studies. Yes, I’m excited to go abroad and explore and then come back and graduate. But no, I have no idea what will happen after that. This Summer I took an internship with AIG Direct and found that I’m very interested in Direct Response Digital Marketing, other than that you’ve got just as good a guess as me.
 One (of the hundred) reasons I’m excited about going abroad is that my best friend/boyfriend is coming along with me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again we are officially this generations Lizzie McGuire and Gordo-minus the friend zone phase.
I’m very open to ideas of places to visit while I’m abroad. So far my dream list includes: Prague, Budapest, Barcelona, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Somewhere in Greece. I also want to travel all over Italy to see Venice, Florence, Naples, Positano, Milan and Tuscany. I’m sure the list will keep getting longer because there are way too many amazing places to see in 16 weeks. The only downside to studying abroad is that you do actually have to study at times so we’ll see how many trips I get to take.
I hope you get some joy from my posts. The intention of this blog is more to document my process- the ups, downs, highlights, tips, and memories that will follow in the coming months.
Quick Facts:

I have two sisters, the best cat named Lady Charleston, a love for taking photos, a sweet spot for chocolate, an appreciation of yoga/meditation, and a passion for awful reality shows.

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