morro bay, california

Morro Bay has got to be the most quaint, forgiving, and wholesome town I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting. Tiff and I were lucky that Meg knew the town like the back of her hand because we got to see the city like locals and eat at all the best places.

The drive up was a long but beautiful one. Maybe I just really love California (I will admit I’m biased) but I really do love driving through this state. You’ll pass beautiful beaches, deserts, and different kinds of forests all within a couple hours of driving. It’s honestly kind of amazing, and I recommend a California road trip if you’ve never had the chance. 

Believe it or not, I had never visited Slo (San Luis Obispo) before. Since I was born and raised in Fresno, it is kind of odd. I think it’s because my dad is from Carmel, CA and that was always our family go-to beach spot. Either way, both locations are beautiful, quaint, and a breath of fresh air when coming from Southern California’s high pace environment. 

Our first morning together we got breakfast on the water with a great view. We got confused finding the restaurant but the locals (or visitors?) here are all so friendly. 

It had been way too long since I had seen my best friends. This is my own fault for working while in school (choosing to study abroad is expensive). Also, it didn’t help that instead of coming home for spring break this last semester I went on a trip with my mom.

The time and distance left my heart so sad, and this trip was exactly what it needed. My friendship with Tiff and Meg is amazing and I’m very blessed. It’s not everyday that you meet best friends that can joke with you and cry with you all in the same time span of 5 minutes. College can change people, but these two are the kind of friends that foster healthy change by encouraging and supporting me when needed, while also calling me out when I’m messing up. I guess the message here is hold onto the good ones, or go get you a Tiff and Meg.

This trip begs the question: did you even have a beach weekend if you didn’t take endless pictures with your best friends?

Saying goodbye to these two gems is always the hardest part. Someone was definitely cutting onions while I was loading up my car which is super rude but explains why my eyes were watering profusely.

No time is enough time, so here’s till next time.

Highlights: The Game of Life, Devil Wears Prada, fresh clam chowder, cool weather, being with my sweet best friends

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